Sunday, September 20, 2009

Award !!!

I have received a lovely surprise from an up-and-coming little star, Ida.
The Circle of Friends Award and the Kreativ Blogger Award is an honor I am pleased to return to her. And, I must also pass it on to the following 5 Hot Mammas :

Oxana for more wonderful bits and pieces I hope to see of her Russian heritage; Peet, whose impeccable stitching and delicious ribbons and bows I envy; Anne Kristine, who scraps by no one's rules but those in her heart; Alina, whose flawless lines of perfection and immaculate flowers I seek to brighten any day; and of course, Kirsten, who shows me that hard work pays off and whose generosity in sharing her 'secret recipes' is always appreciated.


  1. You deserve it Nora;D!! Yes, I'm from Haugesund:o)! I live 10 min from the city.. cool!;D Wish you a wonderful week!!
    Hugs from Ida:o)!

  2. Thank you so much Nora! You are so kind!
    Hugs from Oxana

  3. Thank you so much, dear Nora, for thinking about me, and for your lovely comments in my blog! *hugs*. I'm honored!
    Unfortunately, I'm very busy at the moment. Have got too much to do at work.. I'm working on some new projects too, but it takes time... ;)
    I hope you're having a great time, my friend. Take care!

    Big hugs,

  4. Congratulations on your awards and thank you so much, Nora, for thinking of me, I consider this a huge compliment, you've made my day!
    Hugs, Alina

  5. thank you for adding me to your blog hugs from pia

  6. Thank you so much, Nora. So sweet of you!!
    big hug,
    Peet x


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