Friday, January 14, 2011

Kirsten, my Angel

Someone has gone above and beyond with a Celebration Giveaway. I've admired Kirsten's work for a long time and as she celebrated 1,000 followers, I was chosen as one of TWO for a very special gift. Of course the gift was a surprise until its receipt, but this beautiful box is what she made with her own two hands...

...stamps, paper, laces, ribbon, pearls, flowers, charms, and for a winning recipe: LOVE!!!

Is this the Gift of the Year or what?!?!?!

This sign of friendship will be remembered dearly for always.

Thank you Kirsten!!!


  1. this is absolutely stunning,a little jewelery! =) you have been very lucky dear! =)

  2. Hello.
    Amazingly beautiful gift box you created. Beautiful colors and beautifully decorated. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog.
    Have a nice day.
    Hugs Grethe

  3. Hello again. Thought you had made it, but i now see that it is a gift. You are very lucky.
    Hugs Grethe


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